The disaster caused by a mountain fire has intensified with the help of the monsoon.

As of now, the fire has razed more than 850,000 hectares of land. Where the fire tongue has passed, the trees, houses, and vehicles have become scorched earth, and even the road signs are melted at high temperatures.

It is unbelievable that this is the same place.

Fire fighters are the closest people to the fire, almost directly exposed to the most dangerous situation. Their family members often know in the news about where they are because they simply don’t have time to report their safety.

In the absence of fire fighters, a growing number of volunteers who previously received fire training spontaneously joined the disaster relief operation without any payment. They are from the same organization: Country Fire Service volunteers.
The Fires Near Me app is a free app to download that shows every fire in NSW, how large it is, and whether it is under control. This app allows users to set a watch zone radius around their house which means that they will receive a warning if a fire comes within a customised distance of their property.

Our company and Sydney Cleaner Hair company will provide two-labour-hour FREE cleaning service for fire fighters including volunteers involved in the fire rescue.
Terms and Conditions:
In order to prove your identity, please provide relevant documents or certificates, such as RFS numbers.
Two-labour-hour means one cleaner clean two hours, however, if there are two cleaners in a cleaning team, the free cleaning time is one hour.
Cleaning services cover most of Sydney and Canberra, and the right of final interpretation belongs to the company.